Got the heads up from KAREN who read it in the Chronicle yesterday. The kick off show for the STERN GROVE festival is going to be AIMEE MANN! Sunday June 18th, 2006.
Former lead singer of 'til Tuesday, AIMEE rocks. I've seen her two or three times, and she always puts on a good show. In fact I believe she was the first show I dragged AJ to see together.
Her latest album is a bit lackluster, but it has a few gems - and I'm sure she'll be playing stuff from her other albums as well. and if we're lucky, a few 'til Tuesday songs as well (last time I saw her, she closed the set with an acoustic version of "VOICES CARRY" which rocked).
Let me know if you are interested in going. I'm sure it'll be packed. She's double headlining with a Brazilian artist named Seu Jorge which I know little about. I can't wait....
OH yeah, obviously this blog is quickly becoming more than a NEW RESTAURANT OF THE MONTH sort of thing, so if you want me to stop posting about other events, please comment. Otherwise, I'll continue to post thing group events....