Join AJ and Irvin as they eat their way through San Francisco's FINE (and casual) DINING ESTABLISHMENTS. Every Third Thursday of the month a new restaurant will be chosen and people will dine together. Check this site for information about the restaurant chosen, and to post suggestions for the next month's restaurant. Feel free to talk about last month's choice as well. Email Irvin to RSVP by the 10th of the month.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Opera in the Park

Hey Hey.

the Chronicle's Opera In the Park is happening this weekend (SUNDAY - Sept 10 1;30pm).

Anyone interested? Best thing about Opera in the Park is that it's an excuse to get together and drink and picnic. I love a good picnic. PLUS you don't have to worry about actually getting good seats - because it's all about the singing - you don't even have to worry about seeing anything!

Oh wait. No I take it back, the best thing about Opera in the Park is that it's FREE!

Damn I'm cheap.

AJ and I will be there...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, B and I had fun with you two today! I'm glad we were able to rouse ourselves to get out there, even if we did have to battle fog and wind towards the end of the performances. We salute you in your die-hard quests for free and cheap fun!

10:57 PM


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